Weight: 151.6 lbs Loss: 2lbs
I have been so bad at blogging! Things are going well in Utah! Here are some things I've been up to!
~ Started a quit my job as a baker in the same week! After one day of tasting things a little bit too much I knew it wasn't worth all the hard work I've put into losing all this weight. And the people annoyed me too! And I was getting paid 1/4 of what I made as a teacher and working 3 times as hard.... so no thank you kitchen nazis!
~ I have started subbing! I really enjoyed being back at a high school one day, but have been subbing in an elementary school ever since. I do not like elementary school!! I have never felt so bossed around than from two days of subbing kindergarten! lol. Now I am doing a whole week of 3rd grade. Apparently it's cool to eat paper and had to ask kids to spit out their paper all day!

~ Check out this pic of my bathroom! Two of the scales are mine and one is my sister in law. Me, Jess and Jake have been having health competitions every week so we use these darn things a lot!
~ Today I rode my bike to the gym and did run/walk intervals. It felt AMAZING!!
~ Living with my in-laws in going well. My mother in law is so great to watch the kids while I sub some days, and it ROCKS not having to pay for heating and all that jazz. I have on the otherhand spent $300 on groceries in the past 9 days cause I've been
making dinners for everyone here most nights. I'm gonna have to re-think this!
~ We lost our dog Linkin. He got hit by a car last week at my parent's house. It was devestating. Jake and I have been dragging around since. Yesterday I went to wash our SUV and realized his nose prints are all over the windows still. I couldn't wash them off and cried the whole way home. My parent's had his cremated and at the end of March we will do a little service for him. Jake is really having a hard time it. I spent the whole day crying when it happened. I know the physical act of crying really helped me with healing. Jake just holds it all in and he is still really upset. I loved Linkin so much. He was our first baby ya know?! He was so loved.
~ I just want to eat! I want to chow down on chocolate cake, sweet pork tacos, those freakin amazing cadbury mini eggs! But... I want to be 149 by Monday! And you know I will get on all three of those scales to see if I did!!
~ I feel pretty lately. I don't feel fat at all. I fit into my college jeans now!!! I still look horrible in a bathing suit though. I have so much extra fat on my stomach. I will def need surgery, but don't know if I will ever be able to afford it. (sad face!). I wear med/large shirt/dress. Jeans I still am about 12/14. I fit in some 10's and my jeggings are a 9. My legs usually fit fine when I try size 10's, but the extra lovin on my stomach makes it hard to zip.
Ok! Besides my goal of 149, my other goal is to blog as least 3 times this coming week! Ok! Time to see if I could seduce my hubby. He has been too depressed about Linkin to even touch me! (sadface!!)