Bought the damn mini cake at the grocery store.
Took A bite. Threw it away!
While it should have never landed in my cart in the first place, it ended up where it belongs.
Last 5 days in Baltimore. I will be packing, cleaning, working out and doing the 5 day pouch test! 2 days of liquids here I come!
After a week of working my butt off my weight went from 156 to 158 overnight last fri...literally. I ate 1200 calories, worked out and didn't eat anything after 7pm, and saw a 2 lb gain in 8 hours and it stuck around all weekend. Not sure why except my non-period period is this week. Like I have said in the past, I have been getting my period every other month. On the month I haven't been getting my period, to the day is "supposed" to come, I have been getting crampy, bloated, breaking out, emotional, and a ton of clear discharge (sorry TMI), and pretty big increase on the scale. It is SOO strange. I keep waiting for it to come, but it never does. Anyone ever have anything like this??
I need answers!
Ok. I'm done now. Need to reset my diet, so I am excited about the 5 day pouch test. I hope I can get back down to 156 soon!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Weekly Weigh In: Week 31 & Last Day of Work
Last weekend I ATE A LOT! This week I worked hard to reach a new low....and I did! Yippee!
Today is my last day at work. Yesterday was my last day with students. It was a great day. My student's threw me a party in one of my classes (the instructional assistants help them of course) and I just got to sit and talk with them and enjoy being one of the kids for the day. One of my students even stood up and serenaded me with "Time To Say Goodbye" in his "opera voice". You have to know this kid to know it was pretty hilarious AND awesome! He sang the WHOLE song in Italian. He is a big guy and quite the jokster! I loved every second of it.
My department threw me a little party on Tuesday after school. So many people came down to chat and say goodbye. I was really touched and feel really lucky to have worked in such a great school. Today they are having a cake for me (and I WILL be having some) and then me and some of my co-workers are getting some lunch.
I know I will be really sad to leave my classroom for the last time. It was definitely a place of many memories and moments of growth as an adult and teacher. I went from a new teacher right out of college, not married yet, and now I am a tenured teacher, married with kids. Wow. Time changes things.
I'm not sad though. I know my family is where I belong and that these past 5 years have just been stepping stones to the new adventures that await me. I am really ready to go. Two months ago tears formed in my eyes everytime I thought about having to leave my job. Today. I am just ready.
Jake comes in tonight! Excited for our "vacation" of packing our house, but getting to be together for 3 days straight!! Hopefully I can keep active and not totally blow through my calories eating out at our fav places for the last time!
Happy Weekend Friends!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Workout Wednesday
I went to my spin class. Cute instructor boy chatted with me after class, asking me about my LHS T-shirt. It's a t-shirt I designed when I coached cheer at my school. He asked if I went there. I said, "no, I have been teaching there for 5 years". He said he graduated from LHS. Crazy. He graduated in 96. Really thought he was younger than me. Guess not!
Anyway... while I was spinning I was thinking .... "I am rocking this class"!!! I do exactly what he says to do. I don't slow down or back down the tension. The class is freakin hard. Have any of you taken spin before? It's not easy. I work my butt off every class. And I feel amazing every time I walk out of there. Zumba is sadly too easy for me (it gets my heart pumping, but it doesn't challenge me), so I am thankful to love this spin class. Yesterday I burned 400 calories doing 45 min on the elliptical, so I can't imagine what I am burning doing 50 min of spin. Regardless....the weight is coming off! I think I might hit 156 this week!
I feel like I am coming so far! I went 2 years without working out! I was miserable, no energy. Now I am flying through spin classes with all my might. The thought of driving across the country for 3 days makes me nervous and I have seriously debated stopping in towns where I can hit up a gym somewhere.
Soooo happy!!!
Night LAdies!
Anyway... while I was spinning I was thinking .... "I am rocking this class"!!! I do exactly what he says to do. I don't slow down or back down the tension. The class is freakin hard. Have any of you taken spin before? It's not easy. I work my butt off every class. And I feel amazing every time I walk out of there. Zumba is sadly too easy for me (it gets my heart pumping, but it doesn't challenge me), so I am thankful to love this spin class. Yesterday I burned 400 calories doing 45 min on the elliptical, so I can't imagine what I am burning doing 50 min of spin. Regardless....the weight is coming off! I think I might hit 156 this week!
I feel like I am coming so far! I went 2 years without working out! I was miserable, no energy. Now I am flying through spin classes with all my might. The thought of driving across the country for 3 days makes me nervous and I have seriously debated stopping in towns where I can hit up a gym somewhere.
Soooo happy!!!
Night LAdies!
Monday, January 23, 2012
10 Things Monday??
1. It's monday and I didn't get the delay I was literally praying for (you let me down freezing rain!) so I will ramble on for a few minutes now.
2. If you participated in SKINNY SANTA and have not emailed or sent Banded Bella her gift card (which is MOST OF YOU) please get on that. The girl won fair and square and deserves her reward!! I am too lazy to add links right now to her blog, sorry!
3. I ate like CRAP all weekend. I ate prob 1800-2300 calories every day this weekend. I had 4 cupcakes and like 5 fudge cookies, plus I ate out Fri and Sat night, and didn't work out AT ALL. Guess how much weight I gained..... none. This sort of thing drives me bonkers. My body just does it's own thing. Last week I was super strict and working out hard and lost nothing. So...I decided to just have a weekend of eating higher calories, thinking my body just needed to reset. I shouldn't have eaten all the sweets, but now I feel like I am sick of crap and ready for a serious week of healthy!
4. My mom and aunt came down from NY to help me pack this weekend. We spent maybe 2.5 hrs packing and shopped the rest of the time!! We had a blast! I left them at this huge mall while I met up with some BOOBS (Robyn Cat and Megan) at Roys. Actually, they begged me to leave them there! When I went to pick them up, they had bought me gifts. Which I then exhanged for this MEDIUM Gap Denim Dress. Feels pretty awesome to be wearing things in Medium! I tried on the large and it was a tent on me.
6. Jake comes on Friday night! So excited.
7. I miss my kids so so much. I can't stand the thought of not seeing them for another 2 weeks!!!!!!!
8. I'm mentally not here (at my job) anymore. Ready to move on.
10. I teach in 10 min and don't even know what I am teaching today. Better run!
2. If you participated in SKINNY SANTA and have not emailed or sent Banded Bella her gift card (which is MOST OF YOU) please get on that. The girl won fair and square and deserves her reward!! I am too lazy to add links right now to her blog, sorry!
3. I ate like CRAP all weekend. I ate prob 1800-2300 calories every day this weekend. I had 4 cupcakes and like 5 fudge cookies, plus I ate out Fri and Sat night, and didn't work out AT ALL. Guess how much weight I gained..... none. This sort of thing drives me bonkers. My body just does it's own thing. Last week I was super strict and working out hard and lost nothing. So...I decided to just have a weekend of eating higher calories, thinking my body just needed to reset. I shouldn't have eaten all the sweets, but now I feel like I am sick of crap and ready for a serious week of healthy!
4. My mom and aunt came down from NY to help me pack this weekend. We spent maybe 2.5 hrs packing and shopped the rest of the time!! We had a blast! I left them at this huge mall while I met up with some BOOBS (Robyn Cat and Megan) at Roys. Actually, they begged me to leave them there! When I went to pick them up, they had bought me gifts. Which I then exhanged for this MEDIUM Gap Denim Dress. Feels pretty awesome to be wearing things in Medium! I tried on the large and it was a tent on me.
5. I still have no clue what is going on with my house. My two housemates are moving out this weekend and I think I will try to find one or two more to live there for a few months and hopefully by then we will find
something more permanent. 6. Jake comes on Friday night! So excited.
7. I miss my kids so so much. I can't stand the thought of not seeing them for another 2 weeks!!!!!!!
8. I'm mentally not here (at my job) anymore. Ready to move on.
9. Raven's lost. Everyone is sad today.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
At Roy's With My BOOBS
ok... anyone not with the lingo would be very confused by this title, especially since my husband's name is Jake!
But.... Saturday I met up with Robyn Megan and Cat at Roy's in Baltimore and had a great time!! These ladies are one of a kind.
It was my first time talking with Megan since for some reason her blog posts never show up on my feed. She is newly banded and doing an awesome job. I loved chatting weddings with her and am so excited to see pics of her wedding next fall. She is going to look amazing!
Robyn was so spunky! lol. She had some great stories between her and Cat and I loved her energy and excitement! Man. She is gonna be one fun roomie if I can make it to BOOBS this year! And Robyn, we need to go shopping and get you some sexy pants to show off those sexy legs!!!
Cat was darling and sassy herself! Her and Robyn are totally best friends. She looks amazing after losing almost 90 lbs! You should have seen her in her cute fitted jeans!
I of course had no voice at all. Lost it two days ago and it shows no sign of coming back. Robyn had to translate everything for me. Megan and Cat just stared at me blankly when I tried to speak! I also managed to spill a glass of water down my dress. Really good first impressions I know! lol.
Thank you so much ladies for coming down! It really was so special!!
Thanks for letting me steal this pic Robyn!! |
But.... Saturday I met up with Robyn Megan and Cat at Roy's in Baltimore and had a great time!! These ladies are one of a kind.
It was my first time talking with Megan since for some reason her blog posts never show up on my feed. She is newly banded and doing an awesome job. I loved chatting weddings with her and am so excited to see pics of her wedding next fall. She is going to look amazing!
Robyn was so spunky! lol. She had some great stories between her and Cat and I loved her energy and excitement! Man. She is gonna be one fun roomie if I can make it to BOOBS this year! And Robyn, we need to go shopping and get you some sexy pants to show off those sexy legs!!!
Cat was darling and sassy herself! Her and Robyn are totally best friends. She looks amazing after losing almost 90 lbs! You should have seen her in her cute fitted jeans!
I of course had no voice at all. Lost it two days ago and it shows no sign of coming back. Robyn had to translate everything for me. Megan and Cat just stared at me blankly when I tried to speak! I also managed to spill a glass of water down my dress. Really good first impressions I know! lol.
Thank you so much ladies for coming down! It really was so special!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Weekly Weigh In: Week 30
Weight: 158.4 Loss .4lbs
I was 157.5lbs for 2 days last week. Then I flew to Utah and went a little nuts one night (like 5 cookies and some cheesecake nuts) and haven't seen 157 since. sad. I have still been working out and eating pretty well. Not fast food binges or anything, just not tracking perfectly, but the weight didn't want to fall back off after I got home Tues like I thought it would. Did you ever have those weeks when you knew regardless of how many calories you ate and how much you worked out, you knew your body was just gonna be stubborn? It was one of those weeks. Like I can physically feel it.
I also get those "My body is a weight loss machine" weeks where I can put forth a decent effort and see a loss every day. Just weird how that works. I have noticed that during my periods lately come every other month and usually there are no signs of them coming. No increase in weight, or PMS stuff. But, on the months I don't get my period, I notice I get all the systems....scale not going down, intense cravings, tiredness, grumpiness. So strange I tell ya.
So, I have completely lost my voice! Like, I am using a small dry erase board here at school today because I can't even get across a word to them. Just woke up that way. It was starting to go yesterday and now...WHAM gone! I am taking 1/2 day cause I don't want to push it and battle the student's attention. I also got some major teeth work done again yesterday. Wowzers I was in pain last night. Couldn't even eat chicken noodle soup. I hope tomorrow I make more sense when I see Robyn, Cat and Megan at Roys! Hey...are we meeting there, or my house? Would you mind if possibly my mom (had gastric bypass) and aunt tagged along. I haven't asked them yet though.
Oh NSV. I was getting soup and saw a beautfiul piece of chocolate cake (the very thing I have been CRAVING all week!) I might have even gone to that specific grocery story because they sell slices of cake) I had it in my cart. Walked around a bit. And then last minute, I put it back! I PUT IT BACK PEOPLE! Freakin nuts. I guess I just want to see that 157 again more that that cake!
I move in 2 weeks. My house is not even close to being packed or sold. I do have some housemates living there and that will help with carrying to mortgage for a while. Am I stressed?... just a tad! Have I been able to get my butt in gear to pack? Nope. My mom and aunt are driving down right now from NY to help me this weekend and Jake is flying out next weekend. I finish teaching next Friday. (crazy!) And then will have a week to get everything together to leave Feb 5th. It's just that I don't really believe it's all happening.
Well, time to finish up some sub plans and peace out of here!
Have a great weekend everyone! Wish me luck with lots of eating out this weekend!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Weekly Weigh In: Week 29
Weight: 158.8 lbs!!! Loss: 2.2 lbs
150's baby!! I feel so great and have been getting compliments daily! One of the male teacher's I am friendly with came into class to say "hi" and under his breath he was like "have you lose weight?" It is always so funny to hear guys say these types of things. Of course when he left some of my students were like "He does know that you're married right?!" haha.
I have been doing really good tracking my food and that spin class kicks my butt every time.
My size is all over the place. I have dresses in mediums, shirts in large, pants are anywhere from a tight 9 to a 14 just depending on the cut and brand. Only thing I am not losing is my boobs.... still a D! Pretty proud of that!
Super excited to see the scale moving again. I have been really happy with my will power lately. I feel like my brain is actually changing to choose better things. I miss working out and feel weird when I go a few days without it.
I love these Warm Delights when I am having a crazy chocolate craving!! I make this and top it with sliced bananas and 1/4 cup of vanilla ice cream and I have meet all my cravings in under 200 calories!

I remember when I started working out again in June last year. I got on the elliptical put it on a level 1 and just about died after 5 min. Now I rarely do the elliptical because it isn't "challenging enough". The other day I was scrunched for time and hopped on the elliptical and did 40 min at level 6 and hardly broke a sweat. Crazy how things change.
Heading off to Utah today to see my cutie pies. My goal is to somehow lose another pound while I am there and see the 157's when I get home on Tues!
Happy Long Weekend Everyone!!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Yummy Protein
So... I hate protein shakes! So when I saw this at Target yesterday I had to give it a try. And..... It is REALLY yummy and really healthy! There is lots of sugar though (but that is obviously for fruits of all kind, and the 1 bottle contains 2 servings). But regardless....veggies, fruits and protein in a tasty drink! Works for me!
It says it contains 1 mango, 1.5 carrots, 2.5 apples, 1 orange, and a slice of banana (whatever that means) = 3 servings of fruit. No gluten, articial colors or flavors, perservatives and no genetically modified ingredients!
It says it contains 1 mango, 1.5 carrots, 2.5 apples, 1 orange, and a slice of banana (whatever that means) = 3 servings of fruit. No gluten, articial colors or flavors, perservatives and no genetically modified ingredients!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Tagged.....not it!
I struggle to keep up with the question games! All the rules overwhelm me! But, I did get tagged by hot mama Robyn and Cutie Pie Laura, so I thought I could at least answer their questions that they took time to write! Other than that, I am breaking all the rules and no tagging anyone, cause I bet we have all been tagged at this point right? And it would require me to think, and it's 8am and it's VERY difficult when I was up late "sexy skyping" (TMI?) with my hubby and now I am SLEEPY!
Random Facts About Me:
1. I have 603 unopened emails in my inbox from the past 7 years. Keep in mind....those are just the unopened ones! lol. Don't worry....they are all crap emails
2. I have never had brain freeze. Weird right?
3. I have a lot of freckles on my face that really come out in the summer.
4. I'm a lefty
5. I want to dance in or choreograph a hip hop music video.
6. I am wearing size 9 jeggings right now. They are really tight though and I'm still closer to a 12.
7. I hate the feeling of paper. I HAVE to put lotion on my hands all the time before I handle paper. Cardboard too.
8. I weigh myself at least 6 times a day. Now I have 2 scales and will just go back and forth like 4 times to see what they say. It really keeps me in check!
9. I hate spicy food!
10. I can still do splits. I have always been really flexible
11. I talk to my mom 2-3 times a day (through email, text or phone calls) It is going to be really hard being even farther away from her!!
12. I am a super aggressive driver! Everyone around me sucks at driving! lol.
Robyn's Questions
Random Facts About Me:
1. I have 603 unopened emails in my inbox from the past 7 years. Keep in mind....those are just the unopened ones! lol. Don't worry....they are all crap emails
2. I have never had brain freeze. Weird right?
3. I have a lot of freckles on my face that really come out in the summer.
4. I'm a lefty
5. I want to dance in or choreograph a hip hop music video.
6. I am wearing size 9 jeggings right now. They are really tight though and I'm still closer to a 12.
7. I hate the feeling of paper. I HAVE to put lotion on my hands all the time before I handle paper. Cardboard too.
8. I weigh myself at least 6 times a day. Now I have 2 scales and will just go back and forth like 4 times to see what they say. It really keeps me in check!
9. I hate spicy food!
10. I can still do splits. I have always been really flexible
11. I talk to my mom 2-3 times a day (through email, text or phone calls) It is going to be really hard being even farther away from her!!
12. I am a super aggressive driver! Everyone around me sucks at driving! lol.
Robyn's Questions
My Questions:
1. Favorite hockey team? uhhhh.....what's hockey??
2. House/townhouse/apartment/condo/ other-Where do you live? In a house but soon to be my in-laws if we can't sell it or rent it in the next few weeks!!
3. Do you live in the Country or the City? I live outside of Baltimore in the suberbs.
4. What was your best Christmas gift ever? Prob my little man logan, who was born a few weeks before Christmas in 2010!
5. What is your favorite Beach to visit? Rhode Island has some really nice beaches! When I lived in NY we would go for day trips.
6. Would you want to know when and how you will die if you could not change it or would you prefer to not know? I don't wanna know.
7. Do you believe it love at first sight? No.
8. Do you still talk to your first best friend? Of course! Cause she rocks and we have been friends since 2nd grade!
9. Do you like dogs or cats better? Do you have any of either? I like em both, but would never own a cat again cause I can't handle the litter box situation and I'm allergic.
10. What is your profession? Do you enjoy it? I am a high school food and nutrition teacher for 3 more weeks and then I will be a stay at home mom for a bit. Wow. It's gonna be quit the change!!
11. What is your favorite book and/or author? I love Sophie Kinsella! And Nicholas Sparks always tugs at my heart strings!
Laura Belle's Questions
My questions:
1. Did you have a pet when you were a kid? A cat that was ALWAYS by my side!!
2. Favorite sports team? Raven's I guess. I live in Baltimore, so I gotta represent!!
3. If you had all the money in the world and could only by either shoes or purses, which would you pick?
Definitely SHOES!
4. Do you wear more brown or black clothing? SO MUCH BLACK!
5. Have you lived in the same area all or life? Nope....grew up in NY, went to college in Utah, currently living in Baltimore MD and on my way back to UT! Hopefully will end up in CT one day!
6. What was the last movie you saw? In theatres.... WAR HORSE. It was really good!
7. What was the last book you read? Nicholas Sparks, "The Rescue". SOO GOOD.
8. What's your perfect idea of a 'free Saturday' (nothing to do)? Doing nothing. Sleeping in, shopping with Jake and the kids, eating out and watching a movie at home! PERFECT!
9. What do you wear most: Heels or Flats? A good mix of both. Mostly flat boots right now. Love my boots!!
10. Have you ever shot a gun? Yep. My good ol college boyfriend was a total hick and loved "huntin" and four wheelers. He lived in the smallest town in the middle of no where in Utah. It was a really fun time in my life, and such a different world than NY! He taught me to shoot a gun. It was fun!
11. Favorite food? It would be easier if you asked me if there were foods I don't like. lol. I'm a big cheeseburger girl!
Yay! For questions! I have enjoyed reading everyone's and getting to know you all better!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Great Weekend and Goals This Week
On Friday at 4pm I called my mom and said "Whatcha doin this weekend?" By 5:45pm I was on a bus to NY to see my family for the weekend!
It was a great weekend with my Mom and my fam. Got up to 60 degree weather and went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. It was crazy to think back to my elementary days and all the friends I had around the block. I rode my bike everywhere. I was really feelin my childhood peddling by those houses!
Headed to the mall with mom and my sis and niece. Shopped in forever 21! Yep. I fit...and not tight fit, but really fit into everything I tried on. I got this cute red dress!
I love that it's super modest! I don't have to flash people when I bend over to pick up my kids!!
Anywho.... went to lunch with my aunt and cousin, her baby, my mom, sis and niece. Got mini turkey burgers and took off the bun. It was a kids meal and I could only eat half. My band is so perfect! (It only has like 6 cc in a 11cc band and I honestly don't think I need another fill for a LONG time.... good thing, cause my new insurance prob won't cover it!)
Then my mom and I went to get a cupcake. It was a must! And then we drove over to this Buttermilk Falls to look at the venue for a wedding. We both love weddings and I do some wedding planning so this is right up our alley. We aren't planning a wedding for anyone, but we just went to look. A hobbie. So fun!
We came home and watched "I Don't Know How She Does It" with Sarah Jessica Parker. Cute.
Then went out for dinner where my sis works "Bull and Budda". A little posh fusion cuisine restaurant. Had pad thai and chicken. YUM-o!
Came home again and watched home video's from when I was in middle school. I was so gross, but I love watching those videos. My dad has at least 50 tapes of our childhood. He never missed a second with that video camera and thank goodness he didn't cause those tapes are precious memories!!
Sun I headed back to Baltimore on the MegaBus! That bus is nuts! and came home and did nothing!
It was the perfect little weekend. It was what I needed.....some mommy time. Thanks mom!!
My goals for Mon- Thurs. (Fri I fly to Utah!
1. Eat less than 100 carbs a day (This is hard for me people! A banana has like 30 alone!)
2. Work out 4 times
3. Drink at least 60 oz water a day
4. Get at least 65g protein a day
5. Eat at least 1 fruit and 1 veg a day
6. Be 158 by Fri morning?!
It was a great weekend with my Mom and my fam. Got up to 60 degree weather and went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. It was crazy to think back to my elementary days and all the friends I had around the block. I rode my bike everywhere. I was really feelin my childhood peddling by those houses!
Headed to the mall with mom and my sis and niece. Shopped in forever 21! Yep. I fit...and not tight fit, but really fit into everything I tried on. I got this cute red dress!

Anywho.... went to lunch with my aunt and cousin, her baby, my mom, sis and niece. Got mini turkey burgers and took off the bun. It was a kids meal and I could only eat half. My band is so perfect! (It only has like 6 cc in a 11cc band and I honestly don't think I need another fill for a LONG time.... good thing, cause my new insurance prob won't cover it!)
Then my mom and I went to get a cupcake. It was a must! And then we drove over to this Buttermilk Falls to look at the venue for a wedding. We both love weddings and I do some wedding planning so this is right up our alley. We aren't planning a wedding for anyone, but we just went to look. A hobbie. So fun!
We came home and watched "I Don't Know How She Does It" with Sarah Jessica Parker. Cute.
Then went out for dinner where my sis works "Bull and Budda". A little posh fusion cuisine restaurant. Had pad thai and chicken. YUM-o!
Came home again and watched home video's from when I was in middle school. I was so gross, but I love watching those videos. My dad has at least 50 tapes of our childhood. He never missed a second with that video camera and thank goodness he didn't cause those tapes are precious memories!!
Sun I headed back to Baltimore on the MegaBus! That bus is nuts! and came home and did nothing!
It was the perfect little weekend. It was what I needed.....some mommy time. Thanks mom!!
My goals for Mon- Thurs. (Fri I fly to Utah!
1. Eat less than 100 carbs a day (This is hard for me people! A banana has like 30 alone!)
2. Work out 4 times
3. Drink at least 60 oz water a day
4. Get at least 65g protein a day
5. Eat at least 1 fruit and 1 veg a day
6. Be 158 by Fri morning?!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Weekly Weigh In: Week 28 & New Years Thoughts
Weight: 161.0 lbs Loss: 2.2 lbs
I missed week 27 weigh in, but am still happy I didn't gain over Christmas. I am hoping after my period clears out to see a 159! That would be thrilling!
I am wearing a medium dress I bought at Target a few months ago. I loved how it looked on me in a Large, but I wanted to get the Medium to motivate me to look great in it. And... it looks pretty darn cute!
I have been thinking about the New Year and how so much is already going on this year and thought I would list out some of my hopes and goals and things I am look forward to in 2010!
1. Hope: Get someone great to rent out our house, or someone to buy it without losing too much money!
2. Goal: To be 130 by June 9th - Diana's wedding
3. Hope: To get preg late summer or early fall with baby #3. "Her" name is already picked out, but wouldn't mind a boy either.
4. Hope: To be settled into our new place (wherever that might be) by this summer. I have great in-laws, but dude...a girl needs to be able to walk around in her underwear if she wants!
5. Goal: To be a more Christlike person...patient, honest, forgiving. All of these I need to work on. I need to be more "in the world and not of the world". I get so caught up in cramming as much as I can into one day and forget about just the simple joys of living.
6. Goal: Get out of credit card debt. With the events of this past week, we seem to be going in the wrong direction, but I hope we can accomplish this!
7. Goal: Keep logging food and exercise on the BAD days!
8. Goal: Potty train Zoey and maybe even Logan.
10. Hope: Be a better "house wife" as in.....keep the house clean. Something I suck at! I used working and having 2 kids as my excuse for a messy house.
11. Excited About: Trip moving across the country with my sister and hopefully some stops to see some girlfriends!
12. Excited About: Two close friends wedding this summer
13. Excited About: Class Reunion. I WILL LOOK AWESOME!
14. Excited About: Living with my husband and kids again!!!!
15. Excited About: Getting to goal weight and fitting into size 6/8 jeans from ANY store!
I could prob go on forever.........but I won't. Don't worry.
I have a "get down and dirty with packing and cleaning" weekend ahead of me! What about you guys?!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Ten Things Thursday - 2012 Bites Style
It was either blog my frustrations or order chinese food and eat them! goes...
1. I'm on my period.
2. Check engine light came on yesterday, brought to dealership to get diagnosed right after work. Took 2 hrs to look at it. $1600 repair that THANKFULLY is covered by an extended warranty I bought. You could bet I would be eating Chinese if it wasn't!
3. We switched over to Jake's insurance from his new job at the NY. It sucks compared to my teacher insurance, and now Zoey has a dislocated shoulder and he has to take her to urgent care and will have to pay 100%! SCARY!
4. Had a root canal last week and found out bascially all my teeth are crap and all together prob need $10,000 in work done. ha! Anyone know why my teeth are rapidly decaying after having great teeth as a kid? I know I have dry mouth and sleep with my mouth open....but seriously.
5. Found out we have a broken water main leading up to our house. So..... yay! for another $3500 out of my pocket!
6. I have a headache.
7. No luck on selling or renting house yet. Trying not to go into panic mode yet.
8. I hate my effin key to my house. I have to sit and jiggle it for what seems like 10 hours, and when I have an armful of groceries I want to explode!!
9. My dog has what me and Jake call "poop butt". He is a maltese and his hair is getting long which means when it gets too long his poop gets stuck in his hair (yes... it's hair and not fur...and's soo gross!). So.... I have to literally take pieces of poop off his butt.
10. I have eaten mostly carbs all day. A pancake for breakfast, an english muffin for lunch, rice krispies and bananas just now.
The last week has just been so stressful with all these random things going wrong. It takes so much out of me. "When it rains, it pours" - That's for sure!
I do know that I really really am a lucky and fortunate girl and have so many wonderful things! Please know I know that while this last week has taken a toll on me... I know my life is not even close to crappy!!
1. I'm on my period.
2. Check engine light came on yesterday, brought to dealership to get diagnosed right after work. Took 2 hrs to look at it. $1600 repair that THANKFULLY is covered by an extended warranty I bought. You could bet I would be eating Chinese if it wasn't!
3. We switched over to Jake's insurance from his new job at the NY. It sucks compared to my teacher insurance, and now Zoey has a dislocated shoulder and he has to take her to urgent care and will have to pay 100%! SCARY!
4. Had a root canal last week and found out bascially all my teeth are crap and all together prob need $10,000 in work done. ha! Anyone know why my teeth are rapidly decaying after having great teeth as a kid? I know I have dry mouth and sleep with my mouth open....but seriously.
5. Found out we have a broken water main leading up to our house. So..... yay! for another $3500 out of my pocket!
6. I have a headache.
7. No luck on selling or renting house yet. Trying not to go into panic mode yet.
8. I hate my effin key to my house. I have to sit and jiggle it for what seems like 10 hours, and when I have an armful of groceries I want to explode!!
9. My dog has what me and Jake call "poop butt". He is a maltese and his hair is getting long which means when it gets too long his poop gets stuck in his hair (yes... it's hair and not fur...and's soo gross!). So.... I have to literally take pieces of poop off his butt.
10. I have eaten mostly carbs all day. A pancake for breakfast, an english muffin for lunch, rice krispies and bananas just now.
The last week has just been so stressful with all these random things going wrong. It takes so much out of me. "When it rains, it pours" - That's for sure!
I do know that I really really am a lucky and fortunate girl and have so many wonderful things! Please know I know that while this last week has taken a toll on me... I know my life is not even close to crappy!!
Can't Be Cool Even If I Tried
Oh man. Went to McSteamy cycling class last night.
Put my stuff down. Went to get a bike from the corner to pull onto the exercise floor. Tilted it on it's wheels. Dragged it across the floor. No problem.
"Fake" adjust some of the parts, like the handle bars and seat, just to keep busy and to look really pro.
McSteamy walks over. Thought he was going to say "I have been wondering where you have been". lol. or to sign me in.
Nope. He was like "Next time you drag the bike across the floor make sure its all the way up on it's wheels" and points to the floor. And there is a trail of black-who-knows-what that came off the bike as I dragged it across the floor.
But he did smile and say "It's nice to see you again". ok. So maybe he doesn't hate me.
So the class is great. I'm like REALLY sweating which makes me feel awesome!
Class ends. People start putting the bikes away and they see my awesome black trail. Everyone gets down on the floor and is scrubbing at it to get it up. Like, 75% of the class..... on the floor...... cleaning. I didn't know if it was really nice, or I should just be really embarrassed? Everyone was there for a good 10 min, cause of course the crap wouldn't come up. Apparently the flooring is brand new and apparently it is the gym's prized possession. Sad ghetto little gym.
I couldn't even look McSteamy in the eye after class. After the cleaning I slipped out quietly.
Will I go back. Prob. Because I pre-paid for 10 classes and have only used 4, and because it is a freakin good workout, and because well let's be honest, there's a nice view.
Put my stuff down. Went to get a bike from the corner to pull onto the exercise floor. Tilted it on it's wheels. Dragged it across the floor. No problem.
"Fake" adjust some of the parts, like the handle bars and seat, just to keep busy and to look really pro.
McSteamy walks over. Thought he was going to say "I have been wondering where you have been". lol. or to sign me in.
Nope. He was like "Next time you drag the bike across the floor make sure its all the way up on it's wheels" and points to the floor. And there is a trail of black-who-knows-what that came off the bike as I dragged it across the floor.
But he did smile and say "It's nice to see you again". ok. So maybe he doesn't hate me.
So the class is great. I'm like REALLY sweating which makes me feel awesome!
Class ends. People start putting the bikes away and they see my awesome black trail. Everyone gets down on the floor and is scrubbing at it to get it up. Like, 75% of the class..... on the floor...... cleaning. I didn't know if it was really nice, or I should just be really embarrassed? Everyone was there for a good 10 min, cause of course the crap wouldn't come up. Apparently the flooring is brand new and apparently it is the gym's prized possession. Sad ghetto little gym.
I couldn't even look McSteamy in the eye after class. After the cleaning I slipped out quietly.
Will I go back. Prob. Because I pre-paid for 10 classes and have only used 4, and because it is a freakin good workout, and because well let's be honest, there's a nice view.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Skinny Santa RESULTS
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Skinny Santa Challenge with me! It was so amazing to be losing weight over the Holidays and not consuming myself in cookies by the dozen! Now I will stop blabbin and get to the good stuff
Starting: 254
Ending: 246
3.15 %
Starting: 256
Ending: 246.5
and our winner....
(click to see her 1st Weigh in and places to shop!)
Starting: 207
Ending: 197
YAY!! Great job!
Now let's hold up our end of the bargain and send Banded Bella the $10 gift card we agreed to! Please don't go MIA on us. I am getting really frustrated by people who don't follow through. Don't participate if you plan on flaking out. It's just not fair and you know it! You know who you are!
With that said! Congrats Banded Bella and EVERYONE who participated. You guys should be proud of yourselves....seriously!
Please see Banded Bella's blog to get her email address (view her complete profile) so we can all get her mailing address. Maybe there are online gift cards too. Either way... Happy Shopping!!! and Happy New Year!
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