My Journey

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Workout Wednesday

I went to my spin class. Cute instructor boy chatted with me after class, asking me about my LHS T-shirt. It's a t-shirt I designed when I coached cheer at my school. He asked if I went there. I said, "no, I have been teaching there for 5 years". He said he graduated from LHS. Crazy. He graduated in 96. Really thought he was younger than me. Guess not!

Anyway... while I was spinning I was thinking .... "I am rocking this class"!!! I do exactly what he says to do. I don't slow down or back down the tension. The class is freakin hard. Have any of you taken spin before? It's not easy.  I work my butt off every class. And I feel amazing every time I walk out of there. Zumba is sadly too easy for me (it gets my heart pumping, but it doesn't challenge me), so I am thankful to love this spin class. Yesterday I burned 400 calories doing 45 min on the elliptical, so I can't imagine what I am burning doing 50 min of spin. Regardless....the weight is coming off! I think I might hit 156 this week!

I feel like I am coming so far! I went 2 years without working out! I was miserable, no energy. Now I am flying through spin classes with all my might. The thought of driving across the country for 3 days makes me nervous and I have seriously debated stopping in towns where I can hit up a gym somewhere.

Soooo happy!!!

Night LAdies!


  1. I've done spin classes before when I was healthier, it's defiantely a killer.

    I don't envy you 3 days driving but what a prize at the end of it. xx

  2. You rock, lady! I wish I had the lady balls to try a spin class... but I think I would fall off.

  3. I tried a spin class years ago and my rear end hurt for weeks!!!

  4. Spin is the absolute hardest class for me. I feel like I am going to die EVERY SINGLE time I take it....ok, not really die, but maybe just hoping for a natural disaster that would close the gym and require us to end class early.

    p.s. I would definitely hit the gyms in various will break up the monotony of the drive and re-energize you so you don't get sleepy!
